Bankruptcy is a legal status that an individual or non-individual (a firm) can claim when they are unable to repay their outstanding debts. It is generally initiated by the debtor, and imposed by the court. Bankruptcy consultation Las Vegas, Nevada brings several advantages to the debtor. It brings an immediate halt to creditors’ collection activities, helps maintain a certain baseline, such as house and car, and the burden of debt is taken care of, which is gone in most cases, instead of being just put on hold. However, it’s not a simple one-step process, it requires a lot of commitment and effort, and may require ongoing payments over a few years, and also some post-bankruptcy procedures. However, any debts remaining after the bankruptcy procedure is over are eliminated and not required to be repaid. However, remember that bankruptcy will not erase certain debts, like student loans, government taxes and penalties, child support or alimony, and reaffirmed debt.
People in the USA file for bankruptcy for various reasons, like fallout from a job loss, a medical emergency, divorce, or a death in the family. If you are considering exploring bankruptcy, and whether you should file for it, you should get bankruptcy consultation Las Vegas from a law firm that has specialist bankruptcy lawyers with it. One such specialist bankruptcy law firm is Recovery Law Group, which has specialist lawyers to provide the best bankruptcy consultation Las Vegas, tailored to meet the challenges of your specific circumstances.
When you can apply for Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Usually, most individual bankruptcies in the USA are filed either under Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 of the US Bankruptcy Code. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also known as liquidation or straight bankruptcy, is the most common type of bankruptcies filed by individuals for whom debts have become unmanageable and overwhelming. If you do not make enough money to pay back your debt, you may be advised to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy during bankruptcy consultation Las Vegas. However, the decision whether you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is based on a Means Test, which will compare your average income to the state’s median income of the size of your family. If your income is lower than the median income of the size of your family in your state, you primarily qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Conditions to apply for Chapter 13 bankruptcy
If you fail to qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you will be advised to file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy during bankruptcy consultation Las Vegas. The federal court will approve a monthly repayment plan wherein you will be given a time period of three to five years to pay back a portion of your unsecured debt, and all of your secured debts. The monthly payment amount will depend upon your income, and the amount of debt you have. Chapter 13 bankruptcy will allow you to keep your assets, and catch up on any debts that aren’t bankrupt able. It will also stop foreclosures by giving you time to bring your mortgage up to date. As you will be told during bankruptcy consultation Los Angeles, you can apply for Chapter 13 bankruptcy if your unsecured debt is less than $419,275, and secured debt is less than $1,257,850. Plus, you should be current on tax filings.
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